The 2008 Virtual Tour Buzz

Once again I find myself apologizing to my enormous readership (Is anybody out there?☺) for a lapse in blog entries. I will strive for consistency, but only time will tell. Truthfully, I love to write. Back in the day I was regular contributor to my college paper’s sports page, and just a few credits short of a creative writing minor.
However, because this blog is not about my limited writing achievements, I will share that IWP360 continues to make strides in what seems to be the right direction. After our first year of profitability, limited as it was, we’re enthusiastic about what 2008 will bring.
Part of the buzz is the excitement that comes with photographing hospital virtual tours. As hospital marketing teams emphasize comfortable settings and other themes more often associated with hospitality, virtual tours play a perfect role in expressing that message. Among the hospitals that we have shot recently, MaineGeneral and MetroWest each offer homepage links to our tours. It is a hospital as well that has helped us break out of New England, as we are heading down to New Jersey to shoot Chilton Memorial Hospital next week.
Well, I have to save some stuff for the next entry. I hope too see you soon.